Intrigued by the new changes…

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Intrigued by the new changes being out into place, I would like to express my view on the changes that will be affecting me in the near future.

The proposed amendment affects the sanguine future of Ontario’s environment that I eagerly look upon establishing a well-settled life in. In my firm view, the future needs a stop to climate change. Climate change, the seemingly impossible battle of the change in weather patterns for an extended time period, plays a massive role in health, recreation and education of the residents of Ontario. Fluctuating temperatures results in immunization issues and also follows with weather that may not be suitable for all types of outdoor activities. As we have been seeing for the past few months, weather conditions have made it evidently difficult for students to transport themselves to school. These conditions have been affecting me, as they do for many others withal.

Furthermore, the community I live in is surrounded by forested areas and water reservoirs which are home to local species. Community members often enjoy a walk on the trail, picnic on the bench and other such activities. This area provides as a learning and relaxing experience for the residents of this area, however, is threatened with the challenges of climate change. Other areas like such include the beautiful Claireville Conservation Area and Donald M. Gordon Chinguacousy Park. To avoid this negative impact on the lives of local residents, I urge this amendment to be taken seriously.

The major change befalling the amendment is the removal of “the Ontario Climate Change Strategy, 2015 and the Climate Change Action Plan, 2016” and replacing it with “other provincial plans and policies for environmental protection”. This change creates a rude awakening for not only environmentalists, but all citizens as this affects the future of their homeland. The strategy and action plan secured the government’s support towards the climate change altercation, however, without a specific plan in place, it is less likely for any progress to be made. In an article written by respectable Thoman Oppong, the importance of action plans is stated though, “What you want is progress, in life and career. And that can only manifest through action.” and “You can never get real progress if you don’t take action.” As an active citizen, the progress of Ontario is my greatest aim and seeing such a negative change being made to my potential future is something I would like to change. Amendment will affect all residents of Ontario in a defeatist manner. With your understanding approach towards this matter, I would like to request you to withdraw this amendment.

Thank you for consideration.