These proposed changes are…

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These proposed changes are absolute garbage. While written as though they are intended to “benefit the species”, it is clear that the intent of these changes is to give the government more unchecked control of Species At Risk protections and multiple easy methods for disregarding scientific information and recommendations. While the theory behind the proposal of a consolidated trust to better serve species protection in a unified manner rather than the current “piecemealed industry-led” has some merit, the idea of generating these funds by allowing industry to bypass regulatory requirements is laughable. Not only does this go against the spirit of the act, but the majority of the funds raised would likely go to paying for the operation of this new organization and leave little for any actual conservation initiatives. This proposal would not be a 1:1 exchange; instead of habitat protections, industry will just be paying for bureaucratic work-arounds and the over-priced catering of the Board of Directors meetings.