I am writing to you today to file an objection regarding the Application filed by Cruickshank Construction Limited for a Category 2, Class A licence to excavate aggregate from a quarry of 73.8 hectares located on Lots 12 to 13, C5 in Kingston.
We reside on Cordukes Rd and have lived at this location for 33 years and we have some serious concerns as to how the quarry expansion will affect everything from the well that services our house to an unacceptable increase in truck traffic on the road.
We are very concerned with how blasting will affect our well and the possibility that the blasting could negatively impact or even stop water flow from our well. We currently have very good quality of water and we do not run out of water even in the hot summer months. We are concerned that blasting could disrupt the water table and that increased usage of water at the quarry could leave us with a dry well. A house with no water is not worth too much for resale!!
Also, the truck traffic on our road in spring, summer and fall is CONSTANT. It has now reached a point where it isn't safe for children to walk or ride bikes or to use a stroller. Some of the trucks travel faster than they need to and sometimes you will have small rocks flying off the tires. With an expansion and more production, the truck traffic will increase even more. The road is not wide enough and 2 trucks passing means you are in the ditch so they can pass each other. I did hear from our council member that it was Cruickshank that tried widening the road this summer and I was surprised they are allowed to work on the road since it is a municipal road.
Surely the trucks can use a proper road with lane markings such as Sydenham or Hwy 38 to get into Kingston and not Cordukes that is not wide enough.
Submitted April 23, 2019 3:40 PM
Comment on
Coco Properties Corporation - Issuance of a licence to remove over 20,000 tonnes of aggregate annually from a pit or a quarry
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