The purpose of acts like the…

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The purpose of acts like the ESA are to protect vulnerable species and landscapes, so that future generations can a) enjoy these spaces and b) they can remain healthy and functioning to provide valuable ecosystem services to society. The proposed changes to the ESA are going to strip the act of being able to do so. Our endangered species are key components of healthy ecosystems. Creating loopholes to allow industries to do what they wish to vulnerable and at risk species in the name of being 'Open for Business' is careless and short-sighted. What use is economic growth if we're risking the irreversible damage of our environment - degrading our natural world is to the detriment of overall economic growth. While I have read that the proposed fees to bypass the ESA are to be used towards environmental protection, we do not have sufficient research evidence to prove that this method works, and it is already contested in other areas (e.g. development compliance requirements for destroying and creating wetlands elsewhere). While I understand that it is important to review and change legislation over time, I am very much opposed to the proposed changes.