You have to amend this…

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You have to amend this. Think clearly and consciously about this bill. As stewards of our species at risk, creating a a monetization or having the option to pay fees so that company’s organizations and developers can work around the rules and laws which are in place for reason is outrageous. This loophole is only going to to doom our environment, and corrupt our society further.

I understand the need to get things rolling when development needs to happen but think logically about why this rule is in place in the first place. Species at risk act needs to be there. Go watch a damn episode of David Attenborough with your family tonight and think about this. Adding in this loophole will only set the precedence for the direction things will go in the future. As soon as you introduce this law it will be a mistake, people will take advantage and this law which once held meaning will now be dispelled to nothing.