Instrument Proposal #013…

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Instrument Proposal #013-4835 Application has been made by Fowler Construction Company Ltd. to vary a condition of the current licence to be in combination with the proposed licence application for the Fleming Quarry Extension (if approved) to allow a maximum of 300,000 tonnes of aggregate to be removed from the two sites combined in any calendar year. In addition, the combined tonnage condition is requested to be rescinded from the licence schedule and implemented on the site plan, instead of the licence. The Township of Ramara recognizes that there are significant rural resident clusters that are in the vicinity of the existing and proposed quarries. The Applicant (Fowler) has not undertaken a social impact assessment in consultation with the residents and property owners. Moreover, there is no evidence that the MNRF has exercised its Duty to Consult with the Rama First Nation community. This is a deeper consultation that is provided for under the Planning Act. We reject Fowler Construction Co. Limited’s application to merge total tonnage of 300,000 tonnes per annum for a property zoned Rural and not Mineral Aggregate Extraction as required under the ARA. This portion of the application is not relevant as they should be addressing the existing Fleming Quarry, the only licensed site they own at this location. That being said, we have the same objections pertaining to the proposed quarry as we have for the current, existing quarry. Our community should be protected under the Aggregate Resources Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.8 section 12(1): Matters to be considered by Minister. The existing Fleming Quarry is too close to an established and growing residential community. The closest home is only approximately 80 meters from the quarry boundary, thus creating numerous potentially hazardous situations. Regarding the existing Fleming Quarry, while Fowler is requesting up to 300,000 tonnes to be transported from this site, it doesn’t not restrict them from how much material they can extract, process, and stockpile within the quarry. There needs to be a limit on how much they can not only ship, but permission must be mandated by MNRF, and an opportunity be given to the public for comment prior to increasing the amount, no matter how minor. Furthermore, we object to there not being a restriction on the amount that Fowler can extract, process, and stockpile within the quarry. This amount should not exceed the same 300,000 tonne per year limit. The amount of noise and dust our community has to endure, risking our health and safety, should not be unlimited. Our health and safety should in fact not be risked at all. We object to Fowler rescinding the tonnage condition from the licence schedule, and implementing it on the site plan instead. It is our understanding that when the tonnage restriction is rescinded from the licence and instead placed as a condition on the site plan, that the process is less onerous for Fowler to make amendments.