I support the extension to…


I support the extension to the Section 55 ESA Regulation. A two year extension period is too short a period of five years is more reasonable for a panel to do an effective job with this complex issue. The extension must be put in place as soon as possible to ensure it is in place before the expiry of the current 55 Regulation. The results of an inadequate solution to the ESA would be detrimental. Wood supply reduction will result in Mill closures. This will put cause wide spread job loss, mill employee's and contractors. if the mill in Ignace closes down it will have a huge impact on the small town I live in. The Sawmill and Forestry jobs are the biggest town employers. Myself and my husband will both be unemployed. Businesses in town will close as people will once again move. In 2006 Bowater closed the mill in Ignace the impact on the community was huge. Family's moved away houses were abandoned and businesses had to close. I would hate to see this happen to our community once again

[Original Comment ID: 212475]