The sheer and unadulterated…

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The sheer and unadulterated stupidity of this ridiculous proposal is embarrassing. As a long time Ontario resident I have had to watch this Province sink even lower this past year with the horrid politician in our Premiers office who puts the environment, education, etc second to buck a beer ad promotes urban sprawal, watch as idiotic and short-sighted decisions are made especially in regards to our wildlife and environment. This propsal puts at risk the general public and seriously, why do want to assist these cowards who hide up a tree with a high powered rifle, bow or whatever weapon and sit waiting for a bear or other animal to come to a specific location where he has been lured ny bait only to have some pathetic, loser, coward kill it?!! What skill or thrill does one get by killing that way? Its pathetic. This proposal will cause hunting accidents towards hunters and the general public nevermind it also brings in greater risks for the bears. Please do not allow this proposal to go through.