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Would you allow someone with no medical background to perform an open heart surgery on you? I would imagine not. In the same way, I am appalled at people with no background in natural sciences making unscientific, short-sighted, and dangerous changes to an already weak piece of legislation that is the Endangered Species Act of Ontario.

Biodiversity. Please learn the meaning of this word and its importance. We are in the midst of a crisis both in terms of both climate and biodiversity. And yet, in the most densely populated province with the most development pressures and the greatest biodiversity in the country, you are looking to gut protections for the most vulnerable species.

Development and conservation are not mutually exclusive. However, there is an intelligent way to approach development. This is not reflected in the proposed changes to the Act. Every single one of the proposed changes is alarmingly careless and needlessly destructive.

I do not support these changes and I am ashamed of our government.