·I support the establishment…


·I support the establishment of a multi-stakeholder panel to provide critical oversight and input on a workable solution for the Endangered Species Act ·The extension should be five years instead of two, so that the panel can do its work effectively and work through the very complex issues associated with sustainable forest management and the goal of protecting species-at-risk in balance with other important socio-economic priorities ·The extension should be implemented as soon as possible after the 45 day review period ·An inadequate solution to the Endangered Species Act will result in catastrophic wood supply reductions, mill closures, contractor business closures, stranded First Nation investments in the forestry economy, and severe socio-economic and community impacts due to the loss of sustainable employment The forest industry has faced a dramatic decline since the 1980's when we had a great number of forestry operations in the North. This has been due to many factors including hydro costs, competition due to a declining demand for newsprint and also the periodic and recent duties and tariffs imposed on our products by the US Government. Thunder Bay alone had 7 operations with many more across the region. Sadly we now have only 1 pulp & paper mill left in Thunder Bay and Ontario itself has been reduced to only 2 newsprint mills. During the past 40 years we have replanted many more trees than we have harvested and with the huge decline in production comes a huge reduction in harvesting of our woodlands. To believe that forestry operations are having a significant impact on any endangered species is inaccurate. Climate change is a much greater concern to our region. With changing temperatures and lower precipitation than we have ever experienced the risk of fire and insect damage has increased significantly. The forestry industry still employs thousands of people in the North and our livelihood depends on it. The industry has finally begun to turn around and offer jobs to our young generation who are beginning to stay home rather than travel to better opportunities. Please do not let this new threat to our forestry industry become the new target which will devastate our communities in the North.

I support the extension of the section 55 ESA regulation, to maintain sound sustainable forest management practices in a way that seeks to balance environmental, social and economic objectives

[Original Comment ID: 213002]