In the interest of effective…


In the interest of effective conservation of our biodiversity forestry operations must not be exempted from having to comply with the Endangered Species Act, as written in 2007. Proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 242/08(General Regulation - Endangered Species Act 2007 exempting Forestry operations in managed Crown forests, and species recently listed to the Species at Risk in Ontario List, and safe harbour provisions are totally unacceptable if the intent of the Ontario Government is to protect Ontario's Boreal Forest and threatened biodiversity for the benefit of future generations. No amount of jobs and or profit generated by forestry operations can justify these proposed amendments. Rather than bowing to the forestry industry's lobbying the Ontario Government must ensure that its legislation is focused on building a sustainable future for our province its first priority. The protection therefore of our "natural assets" of which our biodiversity and natural ecosystems are critically important elements must take precedence over the resource harvesting/ revenue / income / job potential aspirations of any industry and forestry is no exception.

Protect our Boreal Forest, all threatened species including those recently listed and safeguard our future. Sustainability matters and ensuring it is a cost of all doing business. I expect the Government of Ontario to lead efforts to build a sustainable future by promoting the importance of protecting our "natural assets", and ensuring they are safeguarded for all for all time. The currently proposed amendments fail to do this please do not pass them.

[Original Comment ID: 212607]