The attached letter written…

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Commenting on behalf of

Toronto Preservation Board

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Comment approved More about comment statuses


The attached letter written on behalf of the Toronto Preservation Board outlines briefly our concerns regarding proposed changes to the Ontario Heritage Act.
We find the proposed changes to be vague (to start what are your guiding principles) and ambiguous. Timelines would unfairly favour the development and building industry as municipalities would not be able to meet the suggested deadlines.
The proposed processes for designation and demolition will not be more efficient as they are more not less complex.
Finally the elimination of decision-making powers of elected municipal councils in favour of the LPAT will also not be more efficient as the LPAT already has long timelines caused, in part, by a great number of pending cases and that number will only increase with the proposed changes.

We have been told your government is working with municipal heritage professionals and bureaucrats to understand the proposed changes. Therefore, for the sake of clarity and planning, we strongly request that your revisions are presented with accompanying regulations before the final reading and vote on the proposed revisions to the OHA under Bill 108 so fully informed consultation is provided through both public meetings and written comments.