Regarding Schedule 11, I have a concern on the opportunity for objection as referenced in 27. (7) of the Ontario Heritage Act.
Before the vote of the council, the owner of a property being considered for heritage register listing under 27.(3) can rush to get a demolition permit before the council decision, thus making the register listing a moot point.
While the proposed 27.(7) deals with objections after the council decision, the better time to hear objections is during the decision-making of the municipal heritage committee and council instead of afterward. Suggested wording:
"27.(5.1) The municipality may also notify the owner of a property being considered for listing on the municipal heritage register under subsection (3). If the municipality takes such action,
a. the notice shall include information about the meetings where the property will be considered; and
b. no demolition permit may be issued for the property for 120 days from the date of said notice, unless the council has considered the property and decided not to include it on the municipal register."
Submitted June 1, 2019 11:40 PM
Comment on
Bill 108 - (Schedule 11) – the proposed More Homes, More Choice Act: Amendments to the Ontario Heritage Act
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