I am writing in support of…


I am writing in support of the proposal to extend the Endangered Species Act (ESA) Secti had governed forest management activities in Ontario for 25 years. The goal of the CFSA is to balance social, economic and environmental objectives, the ESA and CFSA ultimately need to work together to integrate practices.

It has been recognized that more time is necessary to implement the ESA objectives. Currently, a two year extension is proposed to further investigate concerns; however, a five year extension is much more realistic to allow for proper analysis of how to implement various objectives. A balance between social, economic and environmental objectives is imperative to success. Implementing new planning and regulation requires research and testing. As a scientist, I know firsthand that the best laid plans do not always proceed as expected, requiring modifications in order to achieve the desired goals.

The current deadline for Section 55 Regulation is in July 2018, an extension should be put in place immediately following the 45 day review period.

I am in agreement that the issues at stake in regards to the ESA are of great importance, however, socio-economic concerns also need to be recognized. In the past, we have made the mistake of implementing practices with a bias toward economic rewards, thereby neglecting the impact these practices would have on surrounding communities and the environment. However, neglecting to recognize the effects of ESA regulations on the forest industry, associated businesses, First Nations and communities does not right the wrongs of the past. Change can only survive if implemented properly, with regard to all aspects and parallels. Balance is necessary, and time is required in order for proper implementation of regulations while maintaining such balance. If regulations are not implemented correctly, wood supply could be impacted, First Nation investments lost, mill closures, bankruptcy of forestry contractors and an increased unemployment rate resulting from job loss in several communities.

Thank you for your time, and please support the extension of ESA Section 55.

[Original Comment ID: 213026]