What I see here is a money…

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What I see here is a money grab, nothing more, nothing less. By eliminating the calf tag, unless you are select for the cow/calf or calf tag in your WMU, is straight up bullshit. Why would I even apply to get a tag, if you don't get one to hunt.

Your saying you can party hunt on someone else tag, again bullshit, that is already happening. I know camps that have received very few tags for bull or cows over the years. This would make the whole camp not eligible to hunt if they didn't receive a tag.

So why would a group of hunters even buy a tag. Again a bullshit stupid idea, brought in to limit the tags issued and up the income for the ministry. This is not conservation, but another money grab by people that have no idea about hunting.

We understand that population are down, but this, is not the way to resolve the issue. What it will do is decrease the number of hunters buying licenses or applying for the draw. The fee for applying will be a bullshit move, as it to is just a money grab.

Hunted for 40 years and never seen such a stupid effort to get hunters to stop hunting.