We have been hunting in…

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We have been hunting in Northern Ontario WMU 41 for the past 10 years and have seen an abundance of moose - cow, calf and bulls. We do believe that the calf hunting should be cut back so that they can grow to become adults but believe that the adult moose tags should be increased.

What we have seen and heard often in this area unfortunately is the abuse of taking out moose during night hunts - (all genders) by the indigenous people. ( I mean no disrespect here as I have indigenous family members myself) We have no problem with them getting the tags they are allotted (as is their right) but at night time when other hunters are in their camps relaxing or sleeping, shots are going off at all hours of night, four wheelers and trucks with big lights racing around to the hours of the early morning. Then we see moose taken out when we are going in for our hunts at sunrise. A number of the camps in the area have witnessed this and reported it also.

The ministry has been called in many times to this area, people have had shots fired over their trucks for attempting to stop the moose harrassment at night and trying to keep fellow hunt camps in the area safe.

The ministry should be addressing this problem more seriously - before their is an unintentional fatality(or fatalities) by moose being close to camps and being shot at in direction of camps. Someone is going to get seriously hurt someday.

Is one moose really worth letting the indigenous people hunt at night as is their right(as many of us out here in this area have been told)

This practice should be stopped and also would help in the management of moose being taken out or left behind because people can't find them in the dark.

This is another predator of the moose population.

We have hunted in other WMU's before this and never seen such behaviour as we have witnessed here.

Thank you for letting us comment.

Sincerely Concerned Hunters in WMU 41.