Annex 2:, Result 4,6 For…

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Annex 2:, Result 4,6 For Chrinic toxicity studies for Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons, work with the Canadian Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods to conduct cruelty free research.

Annex 5 Replace lethal sampling of fish livers, tumours, and reproductive health with humane live capture, blood testing, ultrasound, radiology, non lethal tissue sampling, and release of the animal. Humane, non lethal research methods should used to study fish health, contaminant load, and Bird or Animal Deformities and Reproductive Problems.

Annex 7 Aquatic Invasive Species. When managing and controlling invasive animals like sea lamphrey, round goby, and Asian carp, non lethal, humane barriers are preferable to lethal capture, and poisons. Lethal control is inhumane and leaves room for animals to reproduce or move in. Consider using barriers that do not harm animals, and bans on imports.