An inadequate soluti puts at…


An inadequate soluti puts at risk my job and livelihood in Northwestern Ontario.

To this effect, I support the extension of section 55 of the ESA, and a building of a stakeholder panel to provide oversite and input on solutions to the problems brought up by the ESA.

I believe that two years is too short a time for establishment of the panel, and then for this panel to analyze the problems, and suggest workable solutions. I believe that a minimum of 5 years may be required to get through all the complex issues of balancing the environmental, social, and economic objectives of sustainable forest management.

Current sustainable forest practices attempt to mimic the patterns of forest fire. If forestry is eliminated in large amount of the forest, it will increase the risk of catastrophic forest fires, and also change the predominate species of trees. If forestry is eliminated, the habitat changes, and may be more destructive to species we are attempting to protect through the ESA.

[Original Comment ID: 213284]