In order to " modernize the…

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In order to " modernize the current Building Code examination process to ensure that building code professionals have the required legal and technical knowledge so that public safety is protected"...How do we simplify that?

a) We need to break down sectors / disciplines - such as Power, HVAC, Building structure, Fire protections that may be inter-related on Code compliance per building code with CSA code.

b)We can or may be able to provide consultations with individuals from certified Oacett members , who have many years in code application in their own area of expertise. By taking small steps in allowing these individuals to have a voice in authority enforcements.

We can then meet the requirements per "Theme 2: Promoting sustainability and transparency in the Building Code profession"......require building code professionals to complete Continuing Professional Development activities regularly to maintain knowledge in their areas of practice so they can understand and apply new / amended Code requirements and promote public safety.