Nestle has a bad track…

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Nestle has a bad track record, consistently putting profit over the public good. I started boycotting the company decades ago when they first ignored regulations about pushing formula over breastfeeding especially in developing countries. The effect on babies' health was devastating. Today, Nestle exhibits the same callous lack of regard for local water needs and for the environment.

As the Council of Canadians puts it:
"Groundwater resources are finite. Droughts, climate change and over-extraction continue to impact our limited water sources. At this pace, communities will not have enough for their future needs.

Water is a human right, commons and a public trust, to be shared, protected, carefully managed and enjoyed by all who live around it – not a source of profit."

Moreover, the climate emergency dictates that we must put an end to single-use bottled water. An extended moratorium on water bottling permits allows the education piece to eventually succeed in helping people kick the bottled water habit.