and specifically, as…

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and specifically, as proposed in the NOMTS, the implementation of provincial cycling infrastructure projects with highway rehabilitation work. As an immediate action, MTO should consider rehabilitation projects underway in the current Northern Highways Program 2016-2020 that have been identified by municipalities as part of the Voyageur Cycling Route and other long-distance cycling routes across Northern Ontario, specifically sections of Highway 17 east of Sudbury. Further, as part of the NOMTS, MTO and MNDM should consider the needs of cyclists travelling long-distances along Northern highways and roadways when developing the “strategic rest areas network”.

Improve Cycling Infrastructure

-When developing the long-term implementation plan to guide construction, recognition, signage and branding of the province-wide cycling network, the Province needs to consider the significant investments made to date on long-distance cycling routes by municipalities and coordinating agencies such as Discovery Routes. Cycling route wayfinding signage is already in place on many of the municipal roadways that form the network.

-Also important in the development of the long-term implementation plan for the provincial cycling network is consistent and sustainable support for the agencies working to coordinate cycling routes across multiple jurisdictions.

-As MTO works with municipalities to update OTM Book 18, it is important to add off-road trail design standards addressing multi-use facilities that include other recreational non-motorized and motorized users.  Since the Highway Traffic Act does not apply to separated pathways, municipalities and cycling route authorities need further assistance in developing policies that manage risk as it applies to off-road facilities.

Promote Cycling Awareness and Behavioural Shifts

-In developing a comprehensive cycling education program, recognize that the current CAN-Bike delivery model has a number of limitations. In Discovery Routes’ experience with community bicycle education, the CAN-Bike model is not viable in the context of Northern Ontario communities. Increase Cycling Tourism Opportunities

-Establishing a Cycling Tourism Trails Infrastructure Program will be key to making Ontario a premier cycling tourism destination. Sustainable and predictable annual infrastructure funding is needed. Opportunities for infrastructure funding through the Climate Change Action Plan have been welcome by municipalities, but we are pleased to see that consideration is being made to create a program that is better suited to developing cycling in rural and Northern Ontario communities. -There is a need for more consistency on how cycling routes are promoted across the province. -When improving wayfinding for cyclists, consider systems already in place to avoid duplication

and redundancy.

-Liability remains a challenge. Municipalities are concerned about the implications of cycling route designation on municipal roadways.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on #CycleON Action Plan 2.0.

We look forward to continuing to work with the Province to advance cycling and making our communities great places to live and visit.

[Original Comment ID: 213405]