I consider trophy hunting a…

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I consider trophy hunting a sadistic hobby and our government should NOT enable the slaughter of bears for the sake of money. Bears have the same right to LIVE IN PEACE on our planet, in our country and in our province .

Animals are NOT at our disposal to do to them whatever we want just because WE, humans, have GUNS, consider ourselves "masters" of the Universe with the "supreme right" to KILL animals as we please.

In the 21st century, I expect MORE moral progress, especially from our governments, but I feel that I have too high expectations, as long os MONEY is all that counts for our elected officials.

As far as animals are concerned, except PETS ( cats and dogs, rabbit and ferrets, and birds) our government does not give a darn on their RIGHT to live in peace in their natural environment, or to have a decent life in animals farms before being slaughtered to end up on people's plates.

I will never vote for you and I am pretty sure that many environmentalists and animals rights advocates will NOT vo you in the future either.

Shame on YOU for even thinking about allowing such abomination. Sport hunting is a SADISTIC HOBBY.