Why would you hunt black…

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Why would you hunt black bear in the first place? Especially in the spring when they have been in hibernation all winter? They are at their weakest and I suppose will be easier for hunters to kill.

Since it's been stated that many hunters cannot tell the difference between female and male bears from a distance, go ahead and kill the cubs as well, or let them starve to death. In that way you can kill three or four with one or two shots. And the cubs can die slowly over time.

Is anyone going to eat the bear's flesh? Is there any market for bear skin rugs? I've looked, no one wants them. Gone are the days of killing animals for their skins to decorate your house. There's no need or market for this anymore. Unless you need the bear meat to survive and you are a subsistence hunter.

We need to rethink our way of 'culling' animal populations. For our own benefit as Canadians, it's wrong to kill animals that simply want to live. They are not lesser than we are. They have as much right to this world as we do.