There are too many black…

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There are too many black bears in the Timmins and area. They are plenty of bears in the forest and too many bears in town.

Since you stopped the spring bear season, the bears multiplied and you let it get out of hand. Now there is a big problem. They are everywhere.

Pretty bad, a person can no longer walk the trails or in the forest without some sort of protection from bears.

Never had that problem with bears my whole life in town and in the forest before you stopped the spring bear hunt.

Please bring back the spring bear hunt to keep the bear population at Bay.

Don't give in to animal rights group that live in Toronto and large city where there are no bears at their doorstep.

We are the ones who have to put up with the bears.

Bearwise progran is okay, but in reality they will still roam around out neighbourhoods looking for food.

They are smart and know when it's garbage day and they are right on schedule tipping over the garbage bins.

I have always lived in the country and I never had a problem with bears until you stopped the spring bear hunt.

By the way, I bring my garbage to the dump on my way to work every day or so.