I think the key aspects to a…

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I think the key aspects to a healthy and ever changing long term energy plan are:

supply mix - a proper mix of hydroelectric, wind, solar, biomass, natural gas and nuclear power generation.  this will allow for flexible generation with low emissions.

conservation - keeping the public informed on conservation ideas and incentives.  one thought would be to offer extremely low pricing of power at night for charging electric vehicles so we take advantage of the excess generation from nuclear and do not waste energy when we have SBG and also promote emission free transportation.

maintenance of core infrastructure - this has to do with every part of the power system that could be anything from a low voltage transformer up to a 500 KV switchyard, power generation facilities and everything in between.

price - people do not like not knowing what they are being charged for.  high delivery fees is one example.  debt retirement charge was another example.  the people of Ontario are not happy with the current price of power.  yes we have gotten rid of coal and have very low emission power generation but we have definitely paid for that from our pockets.

imports and exports - this is a touchy subject as it is a vital part of our generation supply. importing cheap power when we can (eg. quebec hydroelectric during peak demand) makes sense. giving away almost free power at night when we have excess does not make sense, the people of Ontario are still paying for the power.

the "peaks and valleys" of our provinces generation demand need to be "smoothed" out, this will allow for predictable reliable and cheap generation without having excess or too little.  this can be done via conservation on peak demand days and times. and done by maybe promoting manufacturing at night or electric vehicle charging.  getting manufacturing back into Ontario is also key, we need to offer reduced rates of power to large manufacturing to promote the business, people will not mind paying a little extra for power if that means they have a great job with stable income.

[Original Comment ID: 196079]