Dear Premiere, Minister and…

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Dear Premiere, Minister and Commissioners,


Ontario is at a crossroads for decision making on nuclear energy that will affect generations. I urge you to not only stop any further proliferation of our reliance on nuclear energy, but to also plan a gradual phase out of existing plants.


Though nuclear is touted to be less harmful on the environment regarding carbon emissions, it is an extremely dangerous form of energy. As you know, the management, disposal and long term life of spent rods, and the possible water contamination issues and storage for hundreds of years to come, are some of the most pressing issues for this form of energy. It would be most egregious and irresponsible to sadde future generations with this responsibility. Inevitably there will be failure, whether it is with water spills, containment, or long term storage.  We cannot accept even the small percentage of contamination that does occur, or the long term radioactive garbage that this system produces.


As well, the vulnerability of these plants to natural or man made disasters, and most especially when these are close to densely populated urban areas, is incredibly short sighted.  All decisions must be made with the utmost safety in mind for generations into the future when none of us will be on this earth.


Renewable and sustainable energy is the most intelligent, responsible, innovative, and affordable energy alternative. For the long term.  It's far sighted and requires leadership.


Please make the right choices for future generations, for other sentient beings and for the planet. b.h. Yael




[Original Comment ID: 206847]