Traffic Study, The proponent…

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Traffic Study,

The proponent agreed to conduct a traffic study at the request of the community, and while it is appreciated, it does not take into account the significant concerns the community has with the increased traffic proposed by this facility.

The community, through the City, requested that the traffic study be completed in conjunction with the City of Toronto transportation, to ensure that local community issues were addressed. This was not done and the study was completed in silence and submitted to the community two days prior to end of comment period for this ECA submission.

Of most concern with the proposal from a Traffic study was the significant increase in the number of trucks that would be brought into the neighbourhood and the health, environmental, noise, odour and safety concerns with the increase.

The study focussed on overall traffic flow, and not the type of traffic or the impact of heavy trucks within residential neighbourhoods.

Although the conclusion was not helpful to the community, a little effort looking at the limited data that was presented did show a disturbing sign.

A quick assessment using the data from the city seemed to indicate about 87 trucks were using either manse or beechgrove in the 2014 study date during the 7:30am and 6pm time that date. (Those are the two main residential streets that must be used to get to the 401)

The assessment of the additional truck traffic created by this site, will add approximately 100 truck trips during the same hours. That means an increase of over 100% of trucks during the day, with large emissions, noxious gases and significant noises going around our school yards, past our houses, our community centers, our parks and other urban areas.

The real disturbing revelation of this study, shows most of the heavy, emission filled, noisy truck traffic will occur from 8pm to 6am every night, with another approximately 100 trucks making that trip every evening every day of the year. There is NO data in the study on number of trucks currently but an observational account by local residents may show 10 trucks total all night. (And that is probably a high number). Given that this will be an increase of truck traffic by 1000% it will have a significant impact on the community, not only from an emissions, odour and noise perspective, but certainly for safety, health and local wildlife.

Please consider this when evaluating the ECA form, and add it to the many items that are clearly indicating this is not the correct location for this facility.