The Ontario Golf…

ERO number


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Commenting on behalf of

Ontario Golf Superintendents' Association

Comment status

Comment approved More about comment statuses


The Ontario Golf Superintendents' Association is concerned that the priorities of water use could potentially limit/restrict golf courses from water taking in areas where drinking water/agricultural allocations take priority. The proposal does mention that restrictions would be exercised as a last resort, and that as an example these priorities may be implemented when necessary to place temporary restrictions on existing water takings. We have concerns over how municipal water priorities are handled as it relates to the development of water supplies in areas of existing permitted water supplies – primarily to groundwater. Specifically: how is the growth of drinking water needs or future sources of drinking water being reviewed in areas where there are existing lower priority water uses in place? Can the MECP simply issue a permit for a higher priority use in an area and reduce or eliminate an existing use in that same area that is of a lower priority? Application of the priorities that conflict with existing water supplies will be something that should be considered.