The Energy Management Team…

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Comment ID


Commenting on behalf of

City of Brampton

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Comment approved More about comment statuses


The Energy Management Team within the City of Brampton (COB) has the following questions/comments in regards to the new CDM Framework for 2021-2024:

New Construction & Retrofit Program Incentives:

1. With regards to HPNC, will this program be restored? If not, are there other new construction incentives that will be available?
• For new construction modelling incentives, there needs to be a connection between the model and what the actual performance. Energy Management at COB would suggest two phases of funding: one for the modeled performance similar to HPNC, and another phase for funding of the actual building performance. The funding should be contingent on the building operating as close to the model as possible.

2. While there appear to be more incentives for peak demand, there does not appear to be more for cooling plant demand reduction. Since the climate is changing, we would propose to increase funding for cooling plants under new and retrofit situations. For new facilities (and perhaps retrofit) funding could be for study and implementation of thermal storage for chillers for peak shaving. For retrofit, there are machine learning and software programs that can reduce peak demand.

3. In terms of the prescriptive stream for the retrofit program, will the IESO consider expanding prescriptive offerings?
• There are certain technologies for Municipal type facilities (i.e. recreational facilities) that are not currently covered through the available prescriptive offerings. Energy Management at COB finds current prescriptive offerings are limited, and there is a lack of support on the custom application side that should be addressed.

4. Will the new direct install offerings be limited to small business or include large businesses as well?

Residential Programming
1. For homeowner direct install programming, will there be an audit portion?

1. Will the IESO be providing any incentive offerings for commercial energy audits?
2. How will the IESO ensure equity concerns are addressed in the delivery and eligibility criteria of programs delivered locally or regionally?
3. Are there any planned incentive-related changes for DERs?
4. Are there any incentives planned for electric vehicle charging and vehicle-to-grid projects?

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