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I am a member of the falconry community of Ontario. I support the proposal as it will provide a platform for raptor conservation and an opportunity for education of the general public. Raptors are a key component of a healthy ecosystem. With the challenges of COVID, there is a new found focus and appreciation of the environment. The general public is seeking a deeper connection with nature. The raptors offer an opportunity for inquiry learning and dialogue resulting in an informed community eager to preserve the natural environment for all.

By eliminating the lottery, falconers would be able to connect consistently with wild raptors on a seasonal basis.This would allow for the release of wild raptors to return to breed and therefore provide a strategy towards a more stable population. The falconer would be able to share their knowledge, skills and passion for the art of falconry with new birds each year knowing that they are supporting a strong wild raptor directive.

The proposal enhances the importance of history and celebrates falconry heritage not only in Ontario, but world wide. The sharing of centuries of traditions, practices and stories allows for cultures to have a voice; to share similarities and to learn from one another. Falconry demonstrates the strong bond with nature through the passing on of traditions.

The proposal already has well documented, successful data due to the similar implementations in other provinces and american states. With the strong partnership and direction of the MNRF; the raptors, the falconers and the general public will all benefit. This is an opportunity to make a huge difference.

Thank you for listening and reflecting. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.