Re: ERO 019-2636 Species at…


Re: ERO 019-2636 Species at Risk Conservation Fund

We have just been made aware of the new proposed Species at Risk Conservation Fund. To a reader of “headlines” this sounds like a good idea, but any sensible person would read the details and even read between the lines.

This fund is the easy way out for developers to build where they like, make a token donation from their very deep pockets and pretend that they have absolved themselves of the problem. It’s a shame that people like this don’t have consciences, as rightfully they shouldn’t sleep at night.

This proposal in no way compensates for the destruction of wildlife habitat, the potential loss of species at risk, the destruction of plants and trees and the loss of natural areas which provide a wide range of benefits such as flood mitigation, natural drainage and water purification, carbon sequestration and areas for the public to be able to enjoy their natural surroundings.

Raising funds from the destruction of land in one location is not compensated by using this money to pay for another project somewhere else. Nature is not exchangeable and cannot be monetized.

As ordinary Canadians, we are seeing an ever lengthening list of changes to legislation aimed at destroying our living environment for financial gain, without consideration for the lasting environmental damage that will be caused.

Please re-consider this proposal. Think about your children and grandchildren. Think further than the short term and consider the long term effects that these actions will have. Cooperate with scientists and biologists so that wise decisions can be made to benefit both humans and the natural world.