Changes to the MZOs seem to…


Changes to the MZOs seem to be anti-democratic and remove oversight by climate, planner and heritage experts, drops advanced planning tools and muzzles local input. I agree with the following from experts. Please use MZO's sparingly to protect our unique lands and buildings, don't make MZOs more tempting to use by removing red tape.

We recommend that the authority for site plan control should remain with the municipality. The broad strategic uses can and should be encouraged and facilitated by the fiscal, programmatic and broad legislative mandate of the provincial government through policies at the provincial level, not by intervening in site specific plan applications. (FUN)

“They were never intended to become simply tools of convenience for moving developments through the planning process,” David Crombie wrote in a Nov. 19 letter to Clark. “They should be used sparingly and only in exceptional circumstances.” (HuffPost)

Local mayors like Aurora’s Tom Mrakas say MZOs on provincial land interfere with his town’s official plans. He says an order was issued for Aurora without any consultation at all. (Huff Post)