The current PC government…


The current PC government has weakened and changed environmental, watershed, water quality, building laws, building requirements, heritage laws to favor developers. They have given the government and developers far too much power with zoning orders overriding responsible planning & environmental protections.

Watersheds are more than just drainage areas in and around our communities. They are necessary to support habitat for plants and animals, and they provide drinking water for people and wildlife. They also provide the opportunity for recreation and enjoyment of nature. The Harris government removed water inspector's, regulations and people died in Walkerton.

Oak Ridges Moraine The Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan is an ecologically based plan that provides land use and resource management direction for the 190,000 hectares of land and water within the Moraine. The Oak Ridges Moraine is one of Ontario’s most significant landforms and needs to be protected!!!

Heritage designation helps to ensure the conservation of important places for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. Unfortunately, recently the Ontario PC government is not showing the respect, heritage buildings require and would rather send in demolition crews that preserve them. Recently the Ontario PC government issued MZO and is threatening to demolish the historic heritage Foundry site at 153-185 Eastern Ave. It is my understanding the the process to preserve these building were not followed. Which is a prime example of why proper community consultation and involvement should be required.

The First Nations and Métis communities within the Great Lakes region have a
unique relationship with the land, the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan, is largely covered by a number of Treaties that provide for treaty rights. In addition, Aboriginal communities have
Aboriginal rights within the Plan area which have to be respected.

Experts have been removed, replaced with developers, input removed, watered down not for the benefit of communities, but for developers to make more $$.

In my community I have multiple Ministerial Zoning Orders approved, they will bring multiple towers of over 30 stories high. No local government or community were consulted!!! The local Fire department has stated that they do not have the equipment for the additional density, currently 6 fire fighters short, they said point blank that people will die due to this government not listening, proper planning, consulting and listening to the community.

Expropriating families land and homes that have been in the families for generations to benefit developer that donated to the PC party to build a highway through a green built that experts are not recommending. The 407 highway is 20 km's south of this proposed highway, that never over congested.

Consultations have been removed for communities, local governments to voice their concerns regarding local resources, police services, water testing and conservation, schools, fire department, hospital's...Why is this government removing proper planning, assessment, scientific expertise from the process... The Ontario government is rushing approval's of development though Ministerial Zoning Orders to bypass local planning and clear the way for developers whose only motive is profit.

I urge this government to add more protections in place for the Ontario citizen, tax payer's and voters instead of removing them.