Zoning orders should be a…


Zoning orders should be a tool used when there is a need to correct a planning decision that severy affects the interest of the province.
We have recently witnessed zoning orders being used frivolously, to despotically take over single parcels. In these cases, community plans that had been years in the making have been completely crashed, with the only purpose of presumably selling to whoever. The lack of transparency of the full process is truly problematic. How is the interest of the province defined, and what are the parameters to justify a zoning order? Is there anything off limits really, in a legal framework where no explanations are required?
The case of the Foundry building is truly worrisome: in a time when the province has declared that only essential activities should occur, how essential really is to demolish a heritage building in a parcel that allegedly has no formal plans for redevelopment? Or is there already a buyer and a plan in space that has not being made public, despite been public lands?
Any changes to the planning act that further legitimate these processes should not be allowed