Overall it’s a great idea to…

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Overall it’s a great idea to protect the grand river. I am a long resident of Paris and live on that end of town. All though the map is not exactly clear on where the green belt is starting. I do have one large concern on East river road heading out of town right as you hit the Paris sign exiting Paris on east river road. The road is eroding into the river bank for about a mile. There are already no trucks allowed on the road because they are to heavy. They have no truck signs posted there and the county always has to work on this area.With Paris growing so fast and the amount of traffic on east river road at some point it will let out and it’s already happening. The bank is right beside it and loosening all the time the traffic has probably 10 fold in the last 10 yrs. It has already let out once from underneath the road. They had talks of diverting the road behind the houses and tying back in at German school road because it has eroded so much there is no land left to rebuild it the bank is straight down from the edge of the road. Paris is already traffic locked with the rivers we can’t loose another exit. If you go on google maps or drive there from the green lane road all the way to braeside camp is where the erosion is happening. You can easily see that section on google maps even better drive there and look. You can talk to brant county I believe they already done studies on this. At some point that stretch of road will not be able to be repaired and need relocated. It is eroding more all the time. You should at least start the greenbelt at least a mile out from the Paris sign so that way they have land left that is not in the green belt to do this road relocation. Paris is having major traffic issues and this road is super highly travelled now. Once you are out a mile from the Paris sign there is no erosion because the road is well off the river bank. You can drive there and easily see the edge of the road barely has 1 ft of land where it is eroding so someone should consult Brant county roads department and make sure we have room left outside of town before the green belt starts because it might be hard to do these road relocations if that area is zoned green belt and the road collapses. Please consider this in your decision making. I love Paris and I love the grand river. I hope you follow up on my input. Life Long Paris resident. I seen this in the Brantford` expositor news paper and it said it was asking for residents comments. Thank you