Natural spaces must be…

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Natural spaces must be legally protected for the well-being of all living things. Human and non-human. If you like potable water nature needs protecting. If you like clean air, nature needs protecting. If flooding and erosion are to be mitigated it needs protecting. In reality, it’s not about what consumers want, but what is essential for survival. It’s not all about profit and what’s in the bank today. You must consider the future. You must consider our children and children’s children. Wetlands and wood lots can be destroyed to build another big box store or their biodiversity preserved to keep eco function intact.

The prospect of demolishing green-spaces and ecologically sensitive areas for development is morally corrupt and, by rights, criminal. Politics and back room deals are exploiting precious resources that are irreplaceable in form and function. Daily, urban intensification destroys hundreds upon hundreds of acres of finite arable land... arable land that will never be recovered in our lifetimes, as soil takes generations to form. The many brown spaces within the urban borders should be examined for development rather than sprawling into farmlands. Look at the bigger picture. Listen to the science of ecologists and biologists intimately aware of the folly of environmental destruction.