Proposed Sewage Waste…

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Proposed Sewage Waste Disposal Site
6953 Falconbridge Road
Melbourne, ON

MOE ERO # 019-3689

I have lived across the street from the proposed disposal site since 2014. This area has always been extremely wet and suffered from poor drainage and lots of standing water. The proposed site and both neighboring properties have always been too wet to farm and have only ever been used as pasture since I've lived here.

As the owner of an excavation and drainage company I feel that this area would not make a suitable disposal site due to the topography, high ground water table and lack of drainage that this site would permit. Its an extremely difficult area to farm due to the high moisture content and poor soil conditions.

The property has a large pond to the North and an open water course municipal drain running through the South of the property. The property owner has run some drainage tile through the property that outlets into the open ditch at the back of the property as an attempt to dry the ground. The area is already wet to begin with and will not absorb the excess moisture that would be added to it while dumping septage waste. The excess material will run off to adjacent waterways as the ground is too wet to absorb all of it. The drainage tile runs will act as a septic weeping bed that outlets directly into the municipal drain.

The proposed site was plowed last week using a farm tractor on tracks to contend with the wet ground conditions even in the month of June.

- Not Historically Farmable Ground
- High Ground Water Table
- Lots of Standing Water
- Open Ditch Municipal Drain Waterway Running Through the Property
- Pond at the Front of Property

Proper surface drainage, sandy free draining soils and dry conditions are all key factors when designing and constructing a septic system for a home. A site permitted to dump sewage waste should also meet all these conditions and should be held to an even higher standard based on the higher volume of waste. It does not make sense to dump sewage waste in a swampy wet area that drains poorly.