Climate change is a very…

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Climate change is a very real threat the the future of our country and the entire world. Climate change is recognized by every country around the globe as one of the greatest threats currently facing our species, and the impact that it will have on our health, our security, and our prosperity has been extensively researched by professionals that have devoted their life to protecting our planet from our own destruction. It is not a conspiracy, it is not a problem being exaggerated by fringe groups. It is real, and the world recognizes that we need to change society if our species has any hope of surviving the next 100 years.

To disregard the opinion of the global community, and the community of researchers and legal experts that have been demanding action over the last 50 years to save some mysterious "efficiencies" is entirely short-sighted and an unbelievably dangerous attack on the livelihood of the Ontario population.

A sustainable, green economy is in high demand to meet our energy needs given the fact that we have no choice but to stop using fossil fuels. The cap-and-trade system was at least one way we could hold environmental polluters accountable while also developing a new source of income to fund and subsidize our transition to a sustainable future. Instead of destroying programs mean't to help protect our environment, be the leaders people think you are and come up with a better solution.

If Ontario is open for business, then lets be open to the business of sustainability. The world recognizes that green economies are the future, so why not catapult us to the front of this movement and become the economic leaders of sustainable, green infrastructure development?

Yes, it is expensive. And yes, some of those costs come back onto the citizens. But this cost is entirely a result of poor decision making, such as what this government wants to do with cancelling cap-and-trade, that has forced our communities into a corner with no easy solution to combating climate change. It will only become more expensive the longer we try to move away from it which we can agree is not good for anyone. Don't be another group that will be forever remembered as politicians who put themselves before the safety of everyone else, take action and support these kinds of programs and show us you are inspiring and powerful leaders that our communities can trust and rely on.

Be accountable to us. We only have one planet and it needs help. There is no time for inaction.