I am very concerned about this proposal.
I think surface sewage should be done away from creeks, people and wildlife.
This area does accumulate a lot of surface water so the risk for contaminated water is high. Many of us have had to pay for municipal drains so more fluids do not need to be introduced to this area. Also there is a nearby creek and many people have wells they depend on for their drinking water and their livestock. Surface sewage can contaminate ground water and cause disease. This could cause harm to endangered species (turtles and badgers) and non-endangered through illness and disease. The smell of this surface spreading is also an issue. Septic tank sewage does stink so I do not know how applicant could possibly control odour issues that would most certainly come with this surface spread of human waste. This approval should not be granted.
Submitted July 4, 2021 9:21 PM
Comment on
Dwayne Wilson, operating as The Stool Bus - Environmental Compliance Approval (waste)
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