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Given the growing global, national and provincial implications surrounding climate change (i.e. forest fires, heat waves, unpredictable and extreme weather events and more), I firmly believe it is irresponsible for the Ministry of Energy ("the Ministry") to be reducing regulatory burdens associated with hydrocarbon pipelines. More than ever before, it is imperative that we examine whether or not new fossil fuel infrastructure is truly in the public's best interest. Our planet is literally on fire, and there is conclusive evidence stating that the excessive burning of hydrocarbons is the cause.

If the Ministry is truly interested in "providing a reliable and cost-effective energy supply”, efforts would be made to fast track implementation of proven, reliable, sustainable and safe energy sources like ground and air source heat pumps, waste energy transfer and renewable electricity generation.

As federal climate action becomes more concrete, this province's continued investments in fossil fuel-based energy will only end up hurting the public that the Ministry is supposed to serve. Even if the current provincial government doesn't agree with carbon taxes, it is irresponsible and willfully negligent to believe that they will never be a reality for Ontarians. Continued dedication to making hydrocarbon infrastructure cheaper to construct will only saddle Ontarians with costly taxes in the future.

Hydrocarbons are and will continue to be an important part of Ontario's energy mix, at least for the immediate future. However, this doesn't mean we should continue investing in additional hydrocarbon assets, as many organizations are working hard to make sure our existing pipelines can be used sustainably in the future. Our dependence on fossil fuels will never change if the Ministry does not stand up and fight for the changes that Ontarians deserve. I am becoming increasingly tired of the "fossil fuels are cheap" argument, and I'm sure the rest of the province is as well. Sustainable energies will only become more affordable to consumers if leaders like the Ministry take action to make it happen.

So please, consider the long term prosperity of this province as you move to make a decision on this action. At the very least, the Ministry should not be making it any easier for new hydrocarbon infrastructure to be constructed. Ontario deserves better.