Weakening the Endangered…


Weakening the Endangered Species Act, 2007 with these proposed amendments will do more harm than good to our environment. Every time we lose a species - plant, animal or insect - it has a larger impact on other species. We are all connected through this web of life.

The proposed amendments to the act give more leeway to developers and individuals to "do the right thing". But, we know that money always speaks louder than words.

Putting business over the environment is the wrong plan for our future generations.

In order for a species at risk to recover, its habitat (the area that it relies on directly or indirectly to carry out its life processes) must be maintained where it is still functioning, and restored where it has been degraded or destroyed.

When the Government of Ontario passed its first endangered species legislation in 1971, it stepped into a clear leadership role nationally. It did so again in 2007 with the passing of the ESA, which was designed to address the weaknesses of the original law.

Yet, over the past decade, ineffective, half-hearted implementation has shown the government has little commitment to protecting endangered species in this province.

And the amendments to the ESA proposed by the current government show it has no commitment to protecting endangered species. In fact, the government is willing to put short-term benefits for business, industry and development above the recovery of endangered species - and the future of our environment.