In regards to item # 2 in…

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In regards to item # 2 in the Proposal to simplify and align provincial white-tailed deer hunting seasons.

1. Why are WMU's 91 and 92 not inclusive of this recommendation? They needs to be creditable explanation as to why bow hunters in these WMU's are not being granted the same access as others. They should be added to the proposal

2. The change for bow hunters to participate in the controlled hunt as per the proposal is not exactly what the bow hunting community is looking for. I interpret the proposal as if my CDH application is approved as per the proposal I can then bow hunt or choose applicable firearm for the controlled hunt. This is not a sufficient change. Bow hunters want the ability to hunt during any CDH using applicable hunter safety measure as described in the Hunting Regulation Summary.

In some WMU's bow hunters have 3 weeks of the prime portion of the season they are not allowed to hunt and are discriminated against. It could be noted that bowhunters have a longer applicable season then gun hunters in general which can potentially be an advantage but the reality is some of the prime hunting opportunities as reserved for guns seasons and CDH's. In theory this should be the opposite as those who engage in the craft of archery understand it is much more difficult to harvest a white-tailed deer with archery equipment then a gun and should be afforded the best opportunities just as a firearms hunter does.

Allowing the use of archery equipment for all guns seasons while following the same hunter safety measures as prescribed for the gun season or a CDH would allow for equal opportunity for all to engage in the harvest.

Management of the white-tailed deer population is critical and the proposed changes must take into account for harvest numbers. The proposal does not speak to additional tags or change to the existing tag allocation therefore the impact to the harvest would not differ due to allowing bowhunting during CDH's.

Safety of the public population, hunters and property is key. Allowing bowhunters to hunt during the CDH's could not have a significant impact on safety. In fact in turn it will allow bowhunters an equal opportunity and therefore some may forgo the CDH's with a firearm thus reducing hunters with firearms in the feild.