January 28, 2022 Ref:…

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January 28, 2022

Ref: Streamlining environmental permissions for microbreweries and nanobreweries through self-registration and exemptions

Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback into the proposals to streamline environmental permissions for microbreweries and nanobreweries.

The Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) is the authoritative voice of the tourism industry in Ontario. We represent 200,000 tourism businesses and over 400,000 jobs in every corner of our province. The businesses we represent include agri-tourism businesses (including breweries, cideries, and wineries), food and beverage vendors, and hotels and accommodations, among many other sectors across our vast industry. Our businesses have been among the hardest hit in Ontario, enduring two years of revenue losses, job losses, and mounting debt. As such, we would like to thank the Government of Ontario for continued support of our industry through COVID-19 relief programs and regulatory changes which have reduced the burden on small businesses while supporting their capacity to generate much-needed revenue.

TIAO has worked collaboratively with this government to remove red tape and to help simplify processes when possible. As such, TIAO strongly supports the proposals to streamline environmental permissions for small-scale breweries producing no more than 49,000 hL annually. On the whole, TIAO believes that together, the proposed regulatory changes would:

- Reduce costs and burdens for microbreweries and nanobreweries

- Ensure that government oversight is proportional to the potential risks to surrounding community and the environment

- Maintain protection of the environment and human health

- Support expansion of existing businesses

- Further encourage new entries into the market

In particular, TIAO is pleased that the proposal includes a rules-based EASR regulation. TIAO has previously expressed support for such a measure and is pleased that the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks is moving forward with it. This regulatory change would cut red tape for Ontario microbreweries by ensuring that breweries that are not close to the emissions cap will not be required to hire a licensed engineering practitioner to inspect and report on their emissions. This proposed regulation will provide key economic relief, while ensuring that all activity is well within the mandated limits.

Thank you for considering this response. We look forward to continuing to work with this government to create a more favourable regulatory environment for tourism and hospitality businesses in Ontario, supporting the recovery of our industry. Thank you again for the opportunity to participate in this consultation.

Yours sincerely,

Jessica Ng

Director, Policy and Government Affairs

Tourism Industry Association of Ontario