I live in the Royal Orchard community along with about 7800 other people. Our ravine and our lives will be significantly impacted by Metrolinx's Option 3 for the Yonge North Subway Extension(YNSE).
The original subway plan (now Option 1) received environmental approval and the plan was approved to run under Yonge Street in 2009 (revised 2014). Without Council or Community consultation Metrolinx changed the route to run under our 50 year old subdivision.
In applying for an exemption to the Endangered Species Act it states its application is for socio-economic reasons.
SOCIO - Metrolinx's OWN figures show Option 1 delivers 73% more new transit riders and an 113% decrease in vehicle greenhouse gas emissions as opposed to Option 3.That would mean less carbon dioxide in the air.
ECONOMIC - Option 1 would entice more businesses and buildings to locate on Yonge Street, away from our ravine. If Metrolinx tunnels under our homes no new businesses would be built above the subway. . Both options will go through the future new development in the Langstaff Gateway. Option 1 brings a better chance of economic development.
IF the subway is built UNDER the ravine it sounds like it will be close to the surface, seeing the impacts Metrolinx has listed. The amount of "possible disruption" would be deadly to the endangered species and other animals. The ravine is also an often- used recreational area. As well it is the path for school children on both sides of the ravine to reach either the Public school on the west side or the Catholic school on the east side. The disruption to our ravine will REDUCE not enhance human as well as animal quality of life.
Finally, there would be no need to minimize or mitigate the threat to endangered species if Option 1 was used as there would be NO SUBWAY GOING UNDER OUR HOMES, SCHOOLS OR RAVINE.
Please DENY Metrolinx's application for exemption.
Thank you.
Submitted February 4, 2022 5:29 PM
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Metrolinx - Permit for activities that will result in a significant social or economic benefit to Ontario
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