Municipal finances in…

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Municipal finances in Ontario have become frighteningly similar to Ponzi schemes in that they require a constant stream of development fees in order to prop up their budgets. The type of development that has been undertaken over the past number of decades has been to build communities that cannot support themselves financially.

Instead of continuing this self-destructive pattern of development, we need to come up with a better way. By limiting the type of development that is fiscally unsustainable and by encouraging denser, smarter community design, we can start to turn the ship around and start repairing the damage that has been done over the past decades. This starts by not enabling irresponsible development.

The current approach of unlimited, unconstrained growth does not work. No one likes it. It is setting Ontario up for failure.

Rather, let's encourage communities to live within their means. Let's help them innovate and try new things.

By keeping the urban boundary of communities in Halton set as they are, we can start by stopping doing harm. We can signal to communities that they need to start planning more responsibly and that they can't rely on development fees.

Let's build a financially responsible Ontario. Please, do not expand the urban boundary of Halton. Please support ROPA 49 as it was passed by the region of Halton this past June.