I absolutely do not support…

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I absolutely do not support the use of the Greenbelt for building development including new housing, or any other infrastructure. Not only has the Ford government lied about not ever touching the Greenbelt (on record saying he will not touch it-classic conservatives) but the use of this land for urban sprawl is absolutely ludicrous. This area is notoriously known for getting flooded, and is very valuable land for current/future crops and is vital land for wildlife in that area. There should be planning to build more 4-6 storey condos in dense living areas, rather than sprawling out valuable land for suburban living. Suburban living is only valuable to those who have a high-income and can afford not only the cost of the new housing/land associated with it, but the gas money required to be travelling to and from their home, which they most likely work in downtown core in the GTA. I thought Ford was for helping the little guys? This situation appears to only help him and the large donors to his party throughout the years, to help his buddies have opportunity to increase their wealth- again, classic conservatives. There is no need to allow developers access to this land when there is already approximately 88 000 acres of land found within current urban land that have already been granted access for developing, why not use that? The use of the Greenbelt will only benefit those who are already wealthy, not the hard workers of this province who are fighting to find affordable housing. Nobody can pay over $1 million for a suburban house that is 1.5 hours commute away from their work location.

Northern Ontario is practically begging for more development. There is opportunity to expand the northern cities, allowing for increased immigration or relocation of those currently in Southern ON, building the local Northern economy and much more. The Greenbelt farmland is vital to helping produce enough food for current and future populations, including these new immigrants coming to Canada.

I plead and beg the current provincial government to rethink this decision and rather develop more in-city, high-density living buildings like condos/apartments. It costs way less money to add to already existing city sewage, water pipes and roads then create all new systems. Local public transit won't be used in urban communities like it would be in city cores. This added commute for suburban living will also drastically increase car emissions that effect the environment, and add even more traffic to the highways in GTA. For once I ask the current provincial government to actually put effort towards bettering the province for the average civilian, rather than pamper themselves and increase the numbers they see in their bank account. Based off the conservative track record, I highly doubt this will happen. Shame on you Doug Ford.