Hands off the Greenbelt!…

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Hands off the Greenbelt! What is the point of even having a Greebelt if you can carve it up - this early in its formation - when it is politically desired? The whole point of the Greenbelt is to adapt our planned growth around this fixed boundary. If it isn't fixed, what is the point of even having it if it can be unfixed?
Subtracting in one place and adding more in another is just a ploy to try to make this acceptable to the appreciable majority who support the Greenbelt.

This smacks too much of land owners trying to influence the government which has to be resisted vigorously. Many municipal authorities state there is land there now available for development. But even if there isn't, that is the purpose of the Greenbelt. Develop areas where you can! That is the whole point of the Greenbelt.

I fully support any enlargement of the Greenbelt for the sake of future generations who will certainly need this in this crumbling world. But to take away? Ridiculous.