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Comment approved More about comment statuses


ERO # 019-6141, 6160, 6162, 6163, 6177, 6197, 6196, 6172, 2927

At the Mulmur Council meeting held on November 2, 2022, Council of the Township of Mulmur passed the following resolution regarding the More Homes Built Faster Act.

Moved by Cunningham Seconded by Clark

THAT Council receive the report of Tracey Atkinson, Planner, entitled Bill 23;

AND THAT Council direct staff to submit comments by the legislated deadline. CARRIED.

The Township of Mulmur is concerned that Bill 23 and the proposed amendments to the Conservation Authority Act, Ontario Land Tribunal Act, Municipal Act, Planning Act, and Development Charges Act are a further downloading of Provincial responsibilities and costs onto the local municipalities and its residents.

Changes to the Conservation Authority Act appear to encourage development on natural heritage features (such as wetlands), hazards (such as floodplains) and previously conserved lands. Further, it appears to allow for the consideration of development on lands that have been donated by citizens for the purpose of conservation. Further amendments to the Act would limit the flexibility of the Township to protect its natural heritage features and areas.

Changes to the Planning Act appear to limit the rights of existing citizens, by removing opportunities to participate and appeal planning applications. Although changes appear to promote affordable housing, they reduce the tools to collect funds to support the growth and address conflicting land use (through site plan, buffering, etc)

The shortfall from proposed changes to the Development Charges will have to be offset by existing taxpayers opposed to development paying for itself. Additional work is also being created related to spending and allocating reserve funds. Phasing in charges and exempting the cost of undertaking Development Charges studies from the list of eligible items means that the existing tax base would further subsidize development, without any benefit to the community.

The Township is concerned with the decreased quality and quantity of parkland, and overall decreased service level that could be achieved based on changes to the Development Charges Act and Planning Act.

Lastly, the Township is confused with the new direction to remove the upper tier planning function. The loss of a upper tier planning function jeopardizes the consistency, attention to cross-jurisdictional matters and the collaboration amongst lower tiers. The County of Dufferin was required, only recently as a result of Regulation 352/02, to adopt an Official Plan. The County is now part way through a Municipal Comprehensive Review and spending significant resources to update the Official Plan. The Township is concerned with the proposed classes of upper-tier municipalities and uncertainty related to upper tiers not named, but that the Minister could further name through regulations.


Tracey Atkinson

Tracey Atkinson, CAO/Clerk/Planner
Township of Mulmur