Bill 23 is deeply troubling…

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Bill 23 is deeply troubling to me as a citizen of Ontario who is concerned about the future of our Province. It hands our lands to developers with practically no oversight and no thought to the future generations of this province. It creates sprawl and highways and sacrifices irreplaceable forests and farmland in the guise of remedying the housing crisis. We need density and transit in this province in order to provide lasting solutions to our housing problem. We need to preserve wetlands and farmlands to protect our children from the effects of climate change. I fully support zoning changes within existing municipalities to allow for necessary increases in density but I do not support any unnecessary sacrifices to our natural environment. Conservation authorities and municipal site controls should be increased not weakened. I am a resident of Muskoka and we have worked so hard to develop a responsible development strategy that will protect our natural ecosystems and watersheds - this bill will destroy those efforts and risks to destroy our natural environment along with it. Nobody voted for this. The only people to benefit from a policy of sprawl and reckless development is a small group of already rich developers. Please take the responsibility of your power seriously and stand up for future generations of this province. Please protect our natural environment and create housing responsibly through densification of already developed land and increased transit infrastructure. Protect forests, protect farmland. Thank you.