1. Proposed Changes: Listing…

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Commenting on behalf of

The City of Mississauga

Comment status

Comment approved More about comment statuses


1. Proposed Changes: Listing of Properties on Municipal Heritage Register
Potential City Impacts:
- Increasing the threshold for designated properties from one to two criteria will have an impact on how Mississauga recognizes the heritage on equity-seeking groups. Many of the structures which play a foundational role in the community lack architectural value and are plain but have a significant importance and story behind them.
Comments to the Province:
- Changing the threshold of designating properties from one to two criteria will limit the City's ability to recognize the heritage of equity seeking groups.
- Many equity seeking communities solidified themselves in buildings and locations which hold significant associative value to the community, but little architectural or design value. As such, the heritage of these communities would be undervalued against the heritage of more established and better documented communities.
- The Province could consider options and expanding the criteria to directly engage with equity-seeking communities and ensure that heritage is approached in an equitable manner.
- The Province could reconsider the benefits of heritage review process, as most likely the proposed changes will slow down development

2. Proposed Changes: Time Limits and De-listing of Properties
Potential City Impacts:
- Significant impact to the City's heritage resources by limiting the time a property can be listed on the register. Listing a property on the register gives Mississauga time to consider its heritage value and allow for other means of conserving and interpreting its heritage and history aside from protection through designation.
Comments to the Province:
- This change will limit the City's ability to explore options of interpretation and commemoration outside of the standard designation process, making the heritage process less flexible and potentially cause more challenges to development.

3. Proposed Changes: Freeze on Designation Process
Potential City Impacts:
- The City would not be able to add properties to the heritage register when 'prescribed event' occurs. This places the onus on the City to be pro-active in maintaining the heritage register and anticipating when a property may come up for development.

4. Proposed Changes: Heritage Conservation Districts
Potential City Impacts:
- Minimal impact to the City as this is already the process used when establishing and amending Heritage Conservation Districts.